The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Baby #3 Update

Poor little baby #3 has had no updates this pregnancy. My two little toddlers keep me busy!  I haven't had much time to think about this little baby until recently. After our Disney trip, I started having some uncomfortable complications. Unfortunately there is nothing the doctor could do about it, so it hasn't been the most fun couple months. But, we are getting so close to meeting this little guy and I am getting really excited!  We finally decided on this sweet little boy's name. His name will be Conor Clancy Mulloy.  As we have done with our other children, we used a family middle name. Clancy is Michael's mom's maiden name.

We had a rough week last week! I stayed home with the boys on Monday since they were out of school for parent/teacher conferences. I think we must have had too much fun, because on Monday night I started having very painful contractions. Luckily I was able to eventually slow them down by chugging water and resting. I went to see the doctor the next day and the contractions had caused me to progress. I was only 34 weeks pregnant so I was a little worried about already progressing some. They monitored the little guy and he was doing perfectly, so the doctor told me to take it easy and rest.

Little did I know that the remainder of the week would not provide much rest!  The school called that afternoon and said that Peyton had a 104 fever and needed to be picked up. The next day I stayed home with Peyton and took Patrick to school. Later that day when I went to pick up Patrick my purse was stolen. I spent the rest of the afternoon waiting on the police and trying to figure out what was missing.

We are still dealing with the ramifications of the stolen purse. It has been very hard to explain to a 3 year old why someone would take something that isn't theirs. Patrick has been very concerned about it and is constantly asking questions about it. He is most concerned with mom's money and that the "bad guy" took his snacks (which were in my purse). He has been waking up multiple times in the middle of the night with nightmares that the bad guy is coming to get him.

Hopefully we can calm his sweet little mind soon. Money and material things are replaceable, but the fact that this person took away a little innocence from my child has been the most difficult for me to deal with. It broke my heart to have to explain over and over to Patrick that sometimes there are not very nice people who do mean things to others. He has asked multiple times if he can talk to his friend's dad that is a policeman about it. I think we will have to arrange that so he can ask all of his questions about right and wrong to someone besides mom and dad!

Peyton has also had a tough time transitioning to his big boy bedroom. He pretty much hates it. Whenever we ask where mom's baby is, instead of pointing to my tummy he points to himself and gives a big smile! He is also pretty confused about the baby's room and constantly says "mine" about the baby's furniture. Hopefully he will be excited once Conor arrives. I am definitely going to focus on giving my big boys as much attention as I can!

I am hoping things calm down a little bit so Conor will stay put for a couple more weeks. I am eager to meet him, but definitely need a couple more weeks to get everything together!

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