The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Downtown Nashville Library Story Time

One of Patrick's homework assignments over the summer was to go to a library story time. We had never been to the main library for story time, so we decided we should add it to the bucket list.  We went the week before school started and that ended up being a HUGE mistake. We drove around the parking garage for 20 minutes looking for a spot.  I thought I had left plenty of time, but we showed up right when story time was starting. The room was PACKED. There were over 100 kids (not an exaggeration, they actually counted) and they said it was the largest story time they had ever had. We were crammed against the wall and not in the most comfortable position.  Since we spent about 40 minutes in the car beforehand, Conor was in no mood to sit still and kept trying to run up on stage. We made it for the first 4 minutes and then decided to just explore the library. I think the big boys would have really enjoyed it, but unfortunately Conor was not cooperating (what's new?!?!).

These are all awful pictures, but here is a little glimpse of what the front part of the story time looked like. It is a really nice facility.

Some of the life sized artwork was really neat

They also have a large play structure which the kids really loved

And a great puppet area

The little children's book area is really cute

Conor ended up screaming bloody murder and I had to take him outside to the fountain area to cool off. It would be a great area to bring a picnic lunch to eat. The big boys were really disappointed that we did not get to explore the library longer. 

Lesson learned.... do not take Conor anywhere that requires being quiet :)

After story time, we met up with Michael and grabbed some lunch downtown. Conor insisted I carry him the entire 8 blocks, so I was exhausted and have no pictures. The boys also visited Michael's office and thought it was really fun. 

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