The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Monday, January 9, 2012

Patrick- 9 Months

Patrick is 9 months old! Pregnancy seemed like an eternity, but the 9 months Patrick has been here have flown by!

We went to the doctor on Friday for his check-up and he weighed 17 pounds, 7 ounces (10%), is 28 7/8th inches tall (75%) and his head is 25%. He is a skinny little thing, but has jumped up in height. Unfortunately, his iron levels were pretty low so they had to prick his little finger twice :( The doctor said that even though the levels are low, they are not low enough to do anything about and we will just continue to monitor it to make sure he does not have anemia. Hopefully, he is just going through a growth spurt and his levels are low from that.

Patrick is such a busy little baby! He plays really well by himself. He is a speedy crawler and has figured out he can go faster if he lifts one leg up while he crawls. He loves walking with his walker. He isn't quite steady enough to stand on his own yet, but I think its coming soon! He loves peek a boo. He also loves when you kiss his feet and his belly. This is such a fun and interactive age!

Patrick has started speed crawling after Bailey and she hates it! She is terrified of him, so she runs away if he gets within 5 feet of her. He thinks its a fun game and crawls fast after her which makes her really irritated.

Watch out Bailey, i'm coming to get you!

Patrick has started giving hugs and its precious! He always hugs me after he eats in the morning and its so sweet. He also hugs Margaret before we leave her house every day. He has grown really attached to Ms. Margaret. Margaret has told me that he screams whenever another mom comes into the house and Margaret picks up another child. Yikes!

He takes this Winnie the Pooh book with him everywhere!

We have started feeding him a little bit of table food and he isn't that fond of it. He always tries it and then makes a face like its the worst thing he has ever tried. He has tried green beans, turkey, chicken, a baked potato, cheese quesadilla, grilled cheese and different types of bread. Now that we have been to his 9 month appointment, we can start feeding him a little more table food.

Patrick has made leaps and bounds in the sleeping department. He is by no means a good sleeper, but getting better. For the last few weeks Patrick has gone to sleep at 8pm! If you have read any of the previous monthly posts, you know that he has been a night owl and we couldn't get him down before 9:30 or 10. It's definitely a nice change! He has also slept through the night (from 8pm-6:30am) twice this week! He has only slept through the night about 5 times his whole life, so twice in one week is quite the treat for me! Although, I still find myself waking up and staring at the monitor for a little while. I guess I need to learn how to sleep through the night again too :)

I think we figured out the problem with his sleeping. I never really let him cry too long at night in his crib, because I really thought it was a hungry cry. So, we added another full meal of baby food a couple hours after lunch and that seems to do it! I guess this little guy just needs a lot more food than other babies :)

Unfortunately, he as regressed a little with his napping. He only takes a 30-45 minute morning nap and 1hr- 1 1/2 hr afternoon nap. Not nearly as much as he should be napping, but i'll trade sleeping through the night for shorter naps any day!

He is also getting better at being in the car (most of the time). He doesn't scream like he used to, which is a really nice change!

Unfortunately my autofocus was turned off for this picture, but it was such a cute picture of the two of them in their preds gear!

3 peas in a pod

Patrick you are such a happy and wonderful baby! We love you and can't wait to see what you learn next month!

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