The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Friday, May 18, 2012

Patrick- 13 Months

Patrick is 13 months old!   I typed this post a while ago, but never got around to adding the pictures.  So here is his 13 month post about 2 weeks late!  I thought I would stop doing the monthly posts at 12 months, but he is just changing so much right now that I decided to continue doing them for a while!  Plus I like them for my memory!

He has a favorite blanket that he carries around everywhere!  He will probably kill me when he is older for posting this picture, but it was too funny not to post!  This is Patrick trying to take his favorite blanket into the tub with him.  

He has a lot of favorite toys right now and can pretty much entertain himself with anything!  He loves to imitate us and try and "talk" on the cell phone or point the remote controller at the t.v.  He also loves to bring me a book and then crawl up onto my lap to hear me read it to him.  We normally only make it through a few pages, but at least its an attempt!  He also points to everything now saying "this?" and wants you to tell him what the object is over and over and over again.  I can see him trying to remember each time what it is so when he is ready to speak he can say it.  He often watches my mouth as I say it.  He is starting to understand what objects are, but isn't quite there yet.  He calls everything "dada" right now. 

He is doing really well with food this month. His appetite seems to have picked up and he has tried a couple new things.  Still really picky, but he is definitely getting better!

He has 12 teeth.  He got 4 molars this month as evidenced by all of the drool in these pictures!  Yikes!

He has started throwing huge temper tantrums!  I found myself wondering where my sweet little baby has gone this month!  When he doesn't want to do something, he drops to the floor onto his stomach and cries!  I can still distract him pretty well with a new toy, but he definitely makes it known that he is not happy with whatever I wouldn't let him do.

He has regressed in his sleeping this month.  I think mostly because he has been sick, but i'm sure it's also because he didn't sleep in his bed for a week this month.

He is giving lots of hugs this month.  I'm not sure if its because we were out of town or not, but the day after we got back he sat in bed with us and gave each Michael and I hug over and over again.  It was precious.

His hair has curled like crazy this month and I LOVE it!  I always wanted a little boy with curly hair!  I can't get enough of his cuteness with those precious curls!

He has also started doing this really funny thing when Michael and I hug or give a quick kiss before we leave.  He has started pushing my face away from Michael!  I'm not sure who he is jealous of but it is pretty funny!

He has also started smiling SO big!  Not like a normal smile, but a huge crazy smile!  I haven't gotten his "cheese" face on camera yet, but it't too funny! 

Love my little boy and can't wait to see what next month brings!

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