The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Peyton's First Soccer Game

Peyton had his first soccer game this week. We did not start Patrick until he was 4 with soccer, so we were definitely taking a little chance that Peyton would get out there without any meltdowns. He had watched Patrick play, so I was pretty confident he would know what to do on the soccer field. Michael was out of town for the weekend, so I was on my own with the three boys. Peyton's game was at 8:30am and it was definitely tough to get them all out of the door on time for an early soccer game.

Sweet Peyton has extremely large and very wide feet for a 3 year old. I had tried an extra pair of Patrick's shin guards on him earlier in the week and surprisingly they did not even come close to fitting Peyton. I was pretty surprised considering they were big on Patrick and they were a youth medium.  We went to Dick's Sporting Goods and with the help of a really nice associate, we tried on every single youth shin guard in the entire store. Not one of them fit Peyton. We ended up having to get a youth large (for a 3 year old!!). It was the only size that would fit around his calf and foot, however, the shin guards came up almost above his knee caps so they did not fit correctly at all.  I knew it would be a struggle to get them on him. It took me an eternity to get the little boy dressed the morning before the soccer game. The soccer socks they had given us for the uniform were too small, so I struggled to pull them on him and we couldn't find extra wide cleats for the poor boy, so his shoes barely tied. It was a huge struggle.

By the time we finally got to the field he was crying because his feet and legs hurt and he refused to play. After a few minutes of him crying on the side of the field, Patrick louding asking why we were there if Peyton wasn't going to play, and Conor trying to run on the field to participate in the game, I was about ready to give up. Peyton saw all of his friends playing and said he wanted to play if I would take off his shin guards. DONE!

Once this precious boy got out there he pretty much dominated the field! I was so surprised! Only one other boy on Peyton's team wanted to play. So there were only 2 of Peyton's teammates on the field against 4 players on the other team. Somehow they still managed to score a bunch of goals and have a blast.

Peyton scored his first goal (and a good assist to his teammate for a goal as well). He was waving and high fiving everyone and ran over to tell Patrick about his goal. It was precious!

Can you tell how excited they are about Peyton's first goal?

And Conor....oh Conor. That child is pretty much a nightmare at the soccer field. He is READY to get out there and play. He was persistent about trying to run out to the field and kick the ball, even though I had brought 2 other balls for him to practice with on the sidelines!  He also screamed very loudly when he was not allowed on the field :/. Only a couple more years buddy! 

Successful first soccer game!

I didn't capture his goal on video, but here is his first play of the game

After Peyton's soccer game we headed home for a couple hours until Patrick's soccer game. I have no pictures from Patrick's game because it was raining pretty hard and it was during nap time for the two young boys. It was tough keeping the two little boys entertained and happy in the rain during nap time. Patrick played great and he really has improved a lot since last year. Unfortunately, his team didn't score any goals, but he got close a bunch of times to scoring. He was great on defense!

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