The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Baby #4!

Well I have barely posted about this sweet child, but baby girl is set to be here in a couple days!  We really hadn't discussed a name until my third trimester.  Patrick had overheard us discussing names and insisted that her name needed to start with a "C". He then continued to explain that we have two "M's" (Michael and Minje), two "P's" (Patrick and Peyton) and only one "C" (Conor). He said that he didn't want baby girl and Conor to feel left out. It was a really sweet sentiment (also reminds me of a typical accountants mind :)) Since Michael and I didn't have a name in mind, we started with "C" names to see if we could agree on a name. We narrowed it down to two names, Caroline and Caitlin. We decided to use my maternal grandmothers middle name, May. We ultimately decided that her name is going to be Caitlin May Mulloy and that we will most likely call her "Caitie." The boys and I have been calling her Caitie, but Michael is sticking with Caitlin.

Her official due date is February 27th, but since all three boys were born before 38 weeks we were all fully expecting her to make her debut early. For the record, Patrick was born 15 days early, Peyton 17 days early and Conor 21 days early. The doctor also made predictions that she would be here early.

Here is the only pregnancy picture I took at 37 weeks . It was before the Heart Gala and Peyton took the picture, so it is a little bit blurry. I have gained 28 pounds with her, which is by far the most I have gained with any pregnancy. My doctor did mention my weight differed a good bit from the other pregnancies. I have actually eaten far less with her and have not been nearly as hungry as I was when I was pregnant with the boys. My body seems to be reacting so differently to her than the boys.


Michael and I both knew that this would be our last little one, whether it was a boy or a girl. But, had we not decided this in advance, this pregnancy has definitely solidified that there will be no more little Mulloy children! The third trimester has been extremely difficult. This little girl has thrown me for a big loop. This might be where you want to stop reading if you don't want any of the details....fair warning.

Peyton kicked me in the stomach pretty hard on Saturday, January 13th. On Sunday, I had contractions all day long so after Sharon's birthday party at top golf, we went to the hospital to make sure everything was okay with her. Even though I was only 34 weeks, I was having contractions and was already dilated between a 1 and 2 and 70% effaced. They decided to give me an IV with fluids to stop any progress and also to give me a steroid shot to develop her lungs in case she came early. 

The next false alarm happened on Superbowl Sunday, February 3rd at 37 weeks. I was having contractions every 3-7 minutes for a few hours. We went in and I was dilated somewhere between a 2-3 and 80% effaced. Again, the contractions were doing nothing to progress me, so they sent me home. This is the farthest dilated that I have been with any of the children before going into labor, so I was fully expecting, as was the doctor, for me to go ahead and have her in the next few days. 

The doctor had warned me that the contractions become more painful with the more children you have. I didn't have any Braxton Hicks with the other children and just went into spontaneous labor. The contractions were really starting to become cumbersome (and painful). At my 37 week appointment, I was dilated to almost a 4 and almost completely effaced.  The pressure has been so bad with this baby that I have actually developed a couple hernia's. My doctor could see how uncomfortable the pressure was and mentioned that under the new American Medical Association standards that you are not allowed to induce a mother before 39 weeks unless there is a danger to the baby or the mom. A few years ago she said she would have induced me in a heartbeat, but unfortunately she could lose her medical license if she were to induce early without any complications. 

At my 38 week appointment, I walked in the door and she immediately said "Where the heck have you been? I've been waiting on your call! I was so sure you were going to have the baby by now." Yeah, me too! She also, without my requesting, had brought another doctor for a second opinion on if she could induce earlier than 39 weeks. Unfortunately, the other doctor could also see how much pain I have been in, but was unable to give the okay since the baby and I are completely healthy. Dr. Lipsitz main concern is that I wouldn't make it to the hospital in time, since I am already so dilated. I am also Strep B positive, so making it to the hospital at least 4 hours early is important. 

I am sitting at 38 weeks and 5 days and have been having painful contractions for an entire month. I don't think I have ever anticipated anything more in my life. Come on baby girl...we are ready for you. Well, not really, considering her room is not ready at all and most of the baby gear is still in the basement. But, she will have lots of love and that's all she really needs :)

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