The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Monday, May 2, 2011

Patrick- 1 month

My sweet little Patrick is 1 month old today!

We had our ultrasound at Vanderbilt last week and everything looks perfect with Patrick. They took pictures of his skull and brain and both looked great! The doctor said he was very reassured by the results! So thankful he is healthy!!

A few little updates on him... he LOVES it when Michael or I hold him, sing and dance around. His eyes get so wide and he just stares at us in amazement. He is also a stubborn little baby. For the past week or so he will not go to sleep unless Michael or I are holding him. So most of the time Michael or I sleep with him on our chest. I know its not the safest, but he cries so hard he chokes himself if we don't do that. We also tried to take him on a walk this weekend, but of course since we weren't holding him, he screamed the whole time. I didn't even make it down the street before turning around. The poor little guys' voice was going hoarse from crying so hard. I'm hoping its just a stage and he will grow out of it really fast!

Worn out after a Sunday visit with Grumps (Michael's dad)

Patrick lost his umbilical cord last Saturday so we gave him his first bath yesterday and he absolutely hated it! He held on to my finger so tight the whole time. Maybe i'll go back to the sponge baths!

Look at those sweet chubby cheeks!

I am just having so much fun with this little guy! He has been such a happy baby now that I have given up dairy and his tummy isn't hurting anymore!

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