The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Friday, September 9, 2011

Crazy Weeks

Work is going well although it was really difficult to come back at our busiest time of the year. I've been working on balancing work and family life and it has been hard! I'm definitely ready to be past October 15th! I found out I was promoted to manager and was approved to work 4 days a week starting in a couple of weeks! I am so excited! By the end of the week, I am so exhausted that I am praying for more strength to even get through the rest of the week. I feel like our weeks are so hectic and I just run around like a crazy person! I'm sure working four days a week will help a lot. I can't wait!!!

Turk and Bailey had their first day of "school" on Monday. Last week was such bad weather that they weren't able to go outside much. Michael and I decided that it was too much for us to deal with Patrick not sleeping and the dogs not sleeping at night so we bought play packages for the dogs for when it rains. I think it worked out really well. Normally we just put them in our office when it rains so they can look outside. But that means they get no exercise and are just really rambunctious when we get home. At "school", they get to play for an hour with other dogs and they get to go on a 10 minute walk. They also get to look at the other dogs all day and i'm sure they bark their heads off. They were pretty tired so I think it was a success!

Patrick is doing really well at daycare. Margaret said that she is finally getting him on a schedule and that he loves watching all the other children. I have been surprised at his amount of constant energy and his ability to roll/scoot across the room as fast as he does! When I picked him up on Friday, Margaret commented that he is such a little mover for his age. She has watched so many other children, I was really surprised to hear her say it too!

We tried baby food for this first time this week. He doesn't hate it, but I don't think he really likes it either. He doesn't like for others to feed him and instead likes to do it himself. I love the faces he makes while he is trying it. He is still getting the hang of swallowing, but i'm sure he will get there soon enough.

Trying out some carrots

From this picture, you wouldn't think he got any of it in his mouth! Haha!

Watching the Vols

He is amazed by Turk and Bailey, so whenever they are around he won't look at the camera

I think he could giggle with Michael all day long

Patrick has been working on two new things recently: pushing up while on his tummy and sitting up. He is really good at pushing up, but is still really working on sitting up on his own.

Unfortunately his eyes are closed, but he is actually sitting up by himself in this picture (without being propped up against the chair). It was the first time I have seen him do it! He can only do it for about 15 seconds, but I know it will be longer each day!

Oops! Looking up at the camera caused him to fall over

Trying to push back up

I'm sure it won't be long before he is sitting up all on his own!

Here is a little video of what our days are like. Patrick trying to show me his new trick of pushing up and Turk pawing at my hand to knock the camera out of the way, while Bailey gets in front of it. You can also hear a little bit of Patrick's crazy squeal.

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