The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Patrick- 7 Months

My sweet Patrick is 7 months old!

There have been so many changes since the 6 month post! For one thing, Patrick is really mobile. He can crawl and can go really fast! He is also pulling up! Hasn't mastered it yet, but gets so excited when he does it! I always cheer for him when he pulls up by saying "Yay Patrick" and he just gets this huge grin on his face and loves being praised! If he wants to be picked up, he crawls to your feet and looks up at you. It's pretty funny! He is sitting up now, but still topples over from time to time.

He can also say "dada" and pretty much just repeats that all day long. He eats 2 meals a day. I have tried to feed him breakfast, but he is not interested in the morning and only wants to play. So I guess we will stick with 2 meals! He loves fruits, sweet potatoes, squash and oatmeal yogurt. He doesn't like peas, carrots or rice cereal very much. He also LOVES dogs. He is constantly giggling at Turk, Bailey, Neyland and Rocky.

The only way I can get him to smile while I have a camera is to convince Bailey to come near him. So in most my pictures he is looking at Bailey with his hands out.

He is a sporadic sleeper. He is on a pretty good nap schedule but we can't get his bedtime routine down. He takes two naps a day and one power nap. His morning nap is normally 1 hour and his afternoon nap is normally 2 hours. He takes a 20 minutes power nap at night, which is normally during dinner time and allows Michael and I to eat. But his bedtime is normally around 10. Wish we could push it up, but he won't go to bed earlier! He lets you know when he is tired by rubbing his eyes. He still prefers to nurse to sleep. He wakes up at least once during the night to eat (for the last month its been twice), but normally goes right back to sleep afterwards. He drinks well over the average amount they recommend for a child his age to drink, so I guess he is just extra hungry!!

He is still a little bitty baby. He can still wear most of his 3 month pants, but we have to go up to a 9 month if its a longall for length.

He has 3 teeth. Two on the bottom and one on the upper right side. Hopefully his others will come in soon so his top isn't so lopsided!

Showing off his teeth

I had to travel and be away from Patrick for the night for the first time this week. I think he gave Michael a run for his money and barely slept! I sure did miss the little guy!! It broke my heart when we used facetime on the iphone and he reached out for me and smiled then started crying!

Here he is in his UT outfit with his matching shoes. The shoes were a gift from Michael's cousin, Erin. They are pretty funny on him! They also squeak which Patrick thought was really cool.

He loves bouncing and could probably do it all night long! Below he is bouncing with Grumps

Playing patty cakes with Nana

Last weekend Michael was playing "hanging with friends", which is an iphone app. Patrick loves phones so Michael let him guess a few words. For some reason Patrick thought it was hysterical because he was giggling like crazy every time he pressed a letter.

We love you Patrick! You are such a joy to us every day!

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