The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Patrick- 14 Months

Patrick is 14 months old!

He continues to change and understand so much more every month!  He is starting to understand what I say to him, which is a really big step!  He loves his Sesame Street books and loves to point out the characters to you.   I’ll ask him where Grover or Big Bird is on the page and he can point to the correct character.  He still doesn’t say any words, except dada and a very occasional mama and doggie “doddie”.  Although he babbles non-stop!  He really wants to talk and gets so frustrated that he isn’t there yet that it normally ends in a meltdown if I don’t understand what he is pointing to.

He is just so busy and never sits still.  I took him to the pediatrician a couple weeks ago and he weighs 19 and a half pounds.   Sweet little guy is just too busy and excited about life to eat!  He would much rather snack all day than eat a meal.   When we went to the doctor, he did not have an ear infection and his ears looked so clear!  Yay!  This is the first time I have taken Patrick to the doctor where he did not have an ear infection.  Wonderful news!  I can definitely tell a difference in his hearing too!

He takes his favorite blanket with him everywhere,  even while eating

He has started clapping for himself a lot.  I always clap for him when he does something that he has been working on for a while (like put building blocks together), so he claps for himself a lot now which is really cute.  He also covers his face when he smiles really big.  I have no idea why!

He is really having fun with the dogs lately.  When they bark at someone walking down the street he immediately wants to run into the front room and be right there with them to see what is going on.  He also notices that we put on their collars every morning and take them off at night.  He thinks it’s funny to run after the dogs and try to put their collars on them (really just laying them on top of their backs).   He also doesn’t like being in his chair for eating and would much rather pick up handfuls of food while running around the house.   Bailey is a scavenger and ends up chasing him around the house trying to grab some of the food while Patrick runs away from her giggling like crazy.  Sweet Turk just sits there staring at them, waiting for a hand out from Mom or Dad.

He is still getting his first year molars in (such a long terrible process) and they have really been bothering him.  Hopefully they all come in soon and we get a break from teething!

I just love his little personality and am so excited he is starting to understand what I tell him!  

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