The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Peyton- 4 Months

My sweet little Peyton is 4 months old!

I cannot believe he is already 4 months old! It has really flown by! He is the sweetest little thing and just smiles constantly. I have a million pictures of him because he just never stops smiling! All you have to do is look at him and he gets the biggest smile! I adore it!

He is still a pretty good sleeper (way better than Patrick was), but still wakes up once or twice a night. He normally goes down around 9pm and sometimes sleeps until 3am and other times he is up at 1am and 4am. He almost always wakes up at 7am. Going to be tough when I go back to work in a couple weeks. This little one doesn't like to miss a meal :) I haven't been able to predict rather he will get up once or twice, so I don't think it has anything to do with whether he had a good nap that day or not! He is pretty predictable about when he will go down for naps, but never predictable about how long he will stay down. He has been doing a lot of 30 minute naps lately. 

We had his 4 month well visit and he weighs 16 pounds, 13 ounces (85%) and is 25 inches tall (80%). Love this chunky little boy!

He is working hard on rolling over and gets really frustrated with himself that he can't do it yet. He throws his legs up in the air and rolls to his side and then screams really loud because he can't roll all the way. He can't seem to make it over his cute little chubby arms to roll all the way over!

Can you believe how long he is? I am so interested to know his stats at his appointment next week!

Deep in thought

Cuddling with my buddy

Tummy time

Sleeps just like his big brother did

Patrick took his first steps around 9 months in the outfit that Peyton is wearing at 4 months. Oh my!

Chilling in my chair

I am having so much fun with this precious little boy! I just want to eat up those chubby cheeks! I could not have asked for a more laid back fun little guy! Love you Peyton!

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