The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Peyton- 5 Months

Can't believe my precious little Peyton is already 5 months old!

He is such a sweet and laid back baby. He giggles and squeals all the time. His squeals are really loud and shrill, but I think its because he is trying to be heard over Patrick, Turk and Bailey.

He was doing really well sleeping.....and then I went back to work. I figured it would happen since it happened with Patrick. My boys seem to really like to nurse and rebel a little when I go back to work. So, he is now eating 2 to 3 times a night which is pretty darn tough when I am also working. Not to mention Patrick is still getting up in the middle of the night 75% of the time, so there is very little sleeping in our house right now. I'm pretty used to it though, so i'm surviving. However, Peyton is a much better sleeper than Patrick was at this age (or has ever been) so that is good. Peyton is ready for bed at exactly 7:15 every night. I end up having to push back his bed time because I can't seem to get everything done at night when I get home at 6. It's tough having two kids on such completely different schedules!

Oops, he toppled over :)

Discovering his feet

Mom, I am so over these pictures

I'd much rather eat this pillow instead :)

He is now to the stage where he is grabbing everything and wants to put everything in his mouth! He is also so strong! I can't wear any necklaces when I am around him because he rips all of them off and breaks them! Sweet little boy might be a tough one!

Love you Peyton! I am having so much fun enjoying all your sweet smiles and giggles!

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