The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Feeding Therapy Update

We had Patrick's second weekly feeding therapy appointment last week. The difference two sessions has made is incredible!  Patrick is excited about eating and is doing so well!  He is doing wonderfully in his therapy appointments and is trying so hard to overcome his fears of food. During the first appointment the following foods were introduced: chicken nuggets, applesauce, cheese, bacon, sausage, oranges, cereal cars and apple crisps. During the first appointment Patrick would not try the oranges or sausage. He licked both, but starting showing signs of stress so the feeding therapist had him kiss it and put it in the all done bowl without eating it. During the second session, he ate everything that was introduced! The feeding therapist does not introduce new foods until he consistently eats the foods we have been practicing with at home.

Patrick still will not eat lunch or snack at school unless it is crackers or corn. However, he is excelling at home! For example, after school today he came home and ate 4 bags of apple crisps (freeze dried apples), a couple chicken nuggets, a french fry, 4 slices of bacon, juice and milk (with carnation instant meal added). I don't think he has eaten that much food in an entire week! He was so excited about eating and kept saying mom, I want to try something new (by new he meant only the foods he tried in therapy).

Before feeding therapy Patrick cried constantly around dinner time. He was so hungry but scared to eat anything. He constantly complained about his stomach hurting and he was just grumpy. I can't blame the kid, I would be grumpy if all I ate was yogurt, milk, fruit snacks and crackers. It was stressful coming home from work because he would just be screaming and there was nothing I could do about it. He was just terrified to eat anything of substance. Now he gets so excited about it and I couldn't be happier! He actually ate Chic-Fil-a for the first time in his life last weekend! I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is a big deal for him! I really hope this can continue and it can expand outside of our house. I hope he can become comfortable enough to eat at school and around friends. My hope from the beginning was that Patrick could go to a restaurant or a party and be comfortable eating something! I don't think we are quite there yet, but I know we will get there!

The feeding therapy is also helping in other aspects of Patrick's life. Before therapy, he hated getting his fingers dirty. He did not like to finger paint or get messy. But recently he has been comfortable finger painting in the bath and doing a few other messy activities. I am so encouraged and so excited about the progress Patrick was made. Michael and I could not be more proud of our big boy for facing such a big fear!

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