The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Friday, January 31, 2014

Peyton- 10 Months

Sweet little Peyton is 10 months old!  He is growing up too fast! 

Poor little guy has had a rough month. I took him to the doctor for his 9 month check-up and he had a terrible ear infection and I had no idea! Sweet little boy is so happy, I had no idea his ears were badly infected. The doctor asked us to come back in two weeks to check them again. Unfortunately, his ears were still infected after two weeks of medicine. We are trying one more medicine before the doctor will refer us to an ENT. Hopefully this medication clears it up! He also had another tooth break through this month and it was a tough one for him (and mommy!).

He started walking with a walker this month and is so proud of himself! He stood by himself for the first time and is trying so hard to take steps. He can also stand up from sitting down without holding onto anything to assist him. 

Being Sassy

Love these precious moments of trying to take his first steps!

He is such a happy little baby and giggles all the time! He loves to eat and will eat pretty much anything! 

He is a determined little baby and can definitely hold his own with Patrick. He sometimes even tries to crawl on top of Patrick while Patrick his playing with his trains. 

Michael says he sits like a 7th grade cheerleading girl with one leg bent behind him and one leg crossed in front of him. He crawls at super speed. He loves to play with anything Patrick is playing with, which really upsets Patrick.  He is babbling a lot now and can say ma ma and da da. He also always waves hello to Margaret in the mornings and waves goodbye when we leave.

These two precious little boys got to have a play day at home with mommy one day last week. Cherish those days so much!

Little angel still doesn't like to go to sleep unless I put him down, so he is pretty much always awake when we get home if we go out. How can you get mad at this precious little face? For reference, this was at 11pm. How is a little baby this happy at 11pm?

Love you Peyton! Can't wait to see you learn and grow this month!

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