The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Peyton- 18 Months

My precious little Peyton is 18 months old!

This little guy is a firecracker!  He has so much energy and hates to sit still. He loves to help mom and gets so excited when I ask him to help.  He especially loves to help out with the dogs. If I fill the dogs food bowls without him or before he wakes up, he throws an enormous fit. Its the one thing he really loves to do right after he wakes up. He also loves to let the dogs in and out.

He loves the outdoors and would play outside all day! He knows how to open doors as long as it is unbolted. He will frequently just open our back door on pretty days and wander around our back yard (it's fenced in so he cannot get out). It is one of the things I really like about our new house. At our old house, he might have easily fallen in the pool if I let him wander outside.

Little guy loves to give hugs! If Patrick is ever crying and really upset he runs over to give Patrick a big hug and pats him on the back. It is so cute. He adores his big brother and has to know where Pat Pat is at all times. 

Peyton loves his brother and wants to do everything that big brother does

At his 18 month check-up he weighed 18 pounds, 5 ounces (70%), was 33 and 1/4 inches (77%) and his head circumference was also 77%. He is wearing all the clothes that big brothers wears now. They can share pretty much all clothes.

He is still a great napper and very consistent. He is pretty flexible about when he goes down for a nap, and consistently sleeps for 2 to 2.5 hours. Definitely different from his big brother at this age.  He also goes down great for naps and at night. He prefers to be rocked and sung two songs and then goes in his crib and puts himself to sleep. He still frequently wakes up in the middle of the night, probably about two times a week. After he wakes up in the middle of the night, he is very difficult to get back down.

He is very jealous of me and I am a little nervous for when the new baby comes. If I ever give Michael or Patrick a hug he freaks out and runs over and hits whoever is giving me a hug and climbs right in the middle.

Peyton has gotten a little more picky with his food this month. He still is a pretty good eater, but definitely getting more picky. He used to try everything and now is a little nervous to try things.  His three favorite things to eat and the food that he begs for constantly are waffles, yogurt, and juice boxes. He refuses to drink any milk, which is the exact opposite of Patrick.

He is doing well at school but still cries at drop off every morning. The teachers always sing his praises for how happy he is all day long. Here is a little picture the teachers put together of his class visiting the pumpkins.

He is still working on talking and doesn't say that many words yet. But I can tell that full out talking is just around the corner.

This little guy is such a sweet little boy and adds such a fun dynamic to our family. Peyton, I am really enjoying watching you learn and grow. I love you!

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