The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Conor- 12 Months

My precious Conor is 12 months old! An entire year has just flown by! But at the same time, I don't really remember what it was like without this precious boy in our family!

He is so happy and has the BEST little giggle and smile. He really loves to play peek a boo and he laughs so hard when you play it with him. He loves to wander around the house and mess all kinds of things up. He prefers not to play with toys and instead to open cabinets, play in the toilet, turn on the bathtub, and get in all kinds of trouble! He is definitely a busy little bee!

He has slept through the night a total of about 5 times....yikes! Between his multiple ear infections and teething, we just can't seem to get on a good sleeping streak. 

This little boy is also spoiled rotten! I don't think I have left him for more than a couple hours at a time because he refuses to drink a bottle. The boy is 12 months old and has not had a single bottle! He really really loves nursing and it is going to be a battle when I decide to finally stop breastfeeding him. I had planned to stop breastfeeding him shortly after his birthday, but we have tried giving him milk out of a sippy cup and he just hates it. He LOVES juice though, just like big brother Peyton.

He is a very good eater and really really loves food. He loves meat, bread and fruit. Just like the other boys, he does not like the texture of fruit and prefers it in baby food form. His favorite snacks are applesauce, cheerios, granola bars, goldfish and yogurt melts.

Big boy at his 12 month check-up. He weighs 21 lbs, 13 ounces (40%) and is 32 inches tall (97%). He is one tall little boy! His legs rolls get me every time :)

Playing peek-a-boo at the doctor's office for his check-up. He thinks it is so funny!

He learned to walk this month and has been busy trying to keep up with his big brothers!

Daddy was out of town one night, so Patrick decided to put on a little show for me and his brothers. 

Conor got to go sledding for the first time. He was not fond of it at all

Suprisingly, he loves the trampoline. The big boys can't jump too high yet, so I just sit with him on the trampoline and he bounces very gently around. He absolutely loves it!

One of his favorite times is meal time. He gets so excited to eat his food. Love it!

We had a big snowman birthday party for him. Poor little thing was so sick and slept through a good portion of his party. 

Conor I love you so much! Makes me a little sad you are going up so fast!

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