The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Patrick- 30 Weeks and Showers!

I'm 30 weeks, so just about 10 more weeks to go! We also had our 30 week doctor appointment today. Everything looked really good, except for my blood pressure. It was pretty high, so I guess I need to try and relax and not stress out so much!

This Saturday was so much fun. I had a cupcake & champagne monogramming shower for Megan. It was such a cute idea and one that I had never heard of before. It fit Megan perfectly!

We also had a work shower on Saturday night. I specialize in state and local tax and there happens to be two of us expecting their first in our small group. Jason and his wife Abbie are expecting a baby boy in March and its fun to hear the male's perspective of pregnancy at work. It was a couples shower and so much fun! The main reason I love working at E&Y is because of the people I work with. It's a pretty wild group and we always have so much fun when we get together! They made Michael and Jason open all of the presents, which was really funny for Abbie and I to watch. The idea was that they would have to announce what the present was after they opened it and if they didn't know what it was they would have to take a shot. We didn't actually end up making them take a shot for wrong answers, but it was funny to watch them try really hard to figure out what the present was. I think they were both getting a little nervous about the amount of shots they were going to have to take after the game! The first present Michael opened was the boppy. He kind of looked at me and then said ummm...a large neck pillow? haha! It's definitely one of the harder ones to guess and he was such a good sport! On our way home Michael commented on how hard it was to open presents in front of people so I think it was good for him to experience it!

Abbie and I also had a good laugh about some of the things Michael and Jason have been saying lately. So I thought I would share our best two stories. Abbie is 35 weeks pregnant and has had a lot of trouble sleeping lately. So when talking to Jason about it he said that maybe she just wasn't trying hard enough to sleep and that maybe she should just try harder to close her eyes and visualize sleeping! haha! My best story was that one night I put on a maternity shirt that I hadn't worn in a while and looked at myself in the mirror and said to Michael "wow, I am really growing." His response happened to be honey your just getting "pleasantly plump." My jaw immediately dropped and I looked at him and he was just laughing! If you know my husband, he is a huge jokester so I took it with a grain of salt and told him that he better not make one of those jokes again!

I also realized that I do not have a single picture of Michael and I since I have had a bump, so i'm going to get better at taking pictures!

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