The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Friday, February 1, 2013

Baby #2- 28 Weeks

Well I have finally hit the third trimester!

My blood pressure is still looking great, so that is a good sign.  It started to elevate around 30 weeks with Patrick and they are expecting the same this time. Although this pregnancy has been so different, so we will see.

I had my glucose test last Thursday and while I do not have diabetes, my red blood cell count is very low.  In other words, I have pregnancy induced anemia with this little one. The risk is that the baby is not getting enough oxygen, so I am taking supplements and trying to eat more red meat.  Looks like Patrick and I are buddies in the anemia category.  Although I seem to be much more tired than him!  Patrick doesn't let his anemia slow him down one bit!

On top of that I got the flu this week (or at least what we think is the flu).  I got a low grade fever on Thursday after my glucose test, but didn't think that much of it, since I had a bad cough and cold too.  On Friday, I woke up tried to work and thought I was going to die. I slept the entire day before taking Patrick to the doctor at 4pm.  On Saturday I was feeling much better, but definitely not great.  Same on Sunday.  Well on Sunday night it hit me.  Patrick went to bed early that night, around 8:15, thank goodness!  I came downstairs and immediately got into bed.  I was shivering and shaking and put on about 4 layers of clothes. It got so bad, that I couldn't even move or reach for my cell phone on the bedside table. I called for Michael and he got the thermometer and I had a pretty high fever.  It took me an hour after that to muster up enough energy to call the doctor. She is pretty sure that it is the flu, but since i'm so pregnant there isn't anything they can do except for tylenol, so my best bet was to stay in bed.  Getting the flu while pregnant is not fun. I was not hungry at all, but had to force myself to eat (even though it made me feel sick) so the baby got some nutrition.

It was also heartbreaking when I could hear my little boy upstairs yelling for mommy and mommy is forced to stay in the bed!  It's been a rough few weeks in this house. We can't seem to get all of us well at once!

Here is a picture of my sweet little buddy who insisted on wearing his sunglasses before going to bed last night. That sweet little face can cheer up just about anyone!

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