The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Peyton- 2 Months

Peyton is 2 month's old!

At 2 months Peyton is feeding every 2- 21/2 hours during the day and 3 hours at night. Peyton is wearing 3 month clothes and can wear 6 month sleepers! Patrick was such a skinny baby and never had any rolls, so I am loving Peyton's chunky little legs and arms. So cute!

I have given up dairy and the difference is incredible! He no longer cries non-stop for no apparent reason! He also started smiling! I was getting a little worried, since Patrick smiled so much sooner, but I have to remind myself that Peyton was 3 weeks early and is going at his own little pace!

Peyton is a sweet little guy who puts up with a lot of yelling and screaming from big brother! Patrick loves to get in Peyton's face and scream say "hi baby, hi baby" over and over while squeezing him to death hugging him very tightly! Peyton seems to really like it when Patrick pays attention to him. He also really likes to lay on his playmat and watch Patrick play with his trains.

Peyton is a good napper and I think it's all due to the pacifier! I am loving having a baby who likes a pacifier! Getting Patrick to sleep was terrible and it is much easier with Peyton! Peyton takes really good naps in his car seat, sling or with Michael. I've tried naps in the crib and he isn't quite there yet, so for now i'll take a 2 hour nap in his car seat any day!

We had Peyton's 2 month check-up a couple weeks ago and Peyton weighs 11 pounds, 7.5 ounces (50%), his height is 23 inches (55%) and he is 10% in head circumference. Peyton weighs in at a pound and a half bigger than Patrick at this age, but their length and head circumference were the exact same.

I hate the 2 month check-up because of all the shots! So glad it's over! Peyton also had a left ear infection. Hoping we can get our sweet little Peyton feeling better soon. Poor little buddy has been sick since he was 3 weeks old.

Little guy sleeping after all of his shots

Loving my time with this sweet little boy now that he is feeling a little better!

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