The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Conor- 14 Months

Conor is 14 months old!

He is definitely a handful these days! He LOVES food and gets quite upset if one of his brothers gets something that he isn't able to have. He also wakes up famished every morning (typically at 4:45am) and runs to the refrigerator. He sleeps through the night about 3 days a week now, which is a vast improvement from what he was doing! He consistently goes to bed between 8pm and 8:30pm, but is pretty flexible if we have something going on that keeps him up a little later. He will NOT sleep in, even if we keep him up later though.

Since he wakes up so early, it is a struggle to get him to wait for his nap. I try to only give him one nap and attempt to get it to overlap for a few minutes with Peyton. He is definitely ready around 10 or 10:30am, but I try and stretch it to 11:30am so we can have lunch and then nap before going to get Patrick or Peyton from school.

His last molar poked through this month, which I am very excited about. It seemed to take him forever to get all of his molars. He does not have any of his canine teeth, so I know that is coming pretty soon.

He has also started climbing! I will walk away for a minute and he will have climbed on a table and just stands up on it. He also gets into EVERYTHING. The more things he can mess up or throw around the room seems to be a plus for this little guy. I have found that this age is so challenging because they are into everything, but can't quite understand instructions yet.

Poor thing is trying so hard to keep up with his brothers that he is constantly hurting himself trying to run and catch up with them. They definitely keep him entertained.

He is quite stubborn as well. I have been trying to give up nursing and he just throws an absolute fit. Like all out meltdown for an hour type deal. I have only been nursing him to bed, in the middle of the night and occasionally in the morning. He typically does not nurse during the day, since he is way too busy for that :)  He has been biting me (and very hard I might add!) if he wants to nurse when he wakes up and I refuse. He just looks right at me, screams bloody murder and bites my arm or hand very hard. I pretty much have bruises all over my arm. He does not do this to Michael!

He LOVES to take a shower with Michael in the morning.

Special daddy date while the big boys and I went to a birthday party.

Went on his first spring break with the family

Rode a ferris wheel for the first time

Went to the aquarium for the first time

Amazed by the sharks

Loves playing at the park and going down the slides. He loves to find other kids his age and try and "chat" with them.

Notice his battle scar from trying to jump on his baby car seat (we just switched him to a big boy car seat) and falling into his bookshelf in the process. Pretty sure this will be a permanent scar. It was BAD!

Spent many cold days watching his big brother play soccer

Got his first haircut this month!

Learned how to get on the couch and sit like his big brothers (but not for long of course!)

Celebrated his second Easter

Tried to hunt for eggs for the first time

Conor, you are such a sweet, little energetic boy. Your precious little smile is contagious! Here's to many more adventures!

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