The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Patrick- 10 Months

My sweet little Patrick is 10 months old! What a cutie!

Patrick is doing so many new things this month. His favorite activity is to push the kitchen and dining room chairs around the house. He pushes the chairs as hard and as fast as he can until he runs into something and then speed walks around to the other side and pushes it the other way. I think he could do this all day!

He also stood up for the first time this week by himself! He can’t stand up for very long by himself, maybe only 15 seconds or so! This week he has come home with new battle wound on his face every day! I know its from trying so hard to stand up by himself. Most the time he pulls up on his activity table and then practices letting go. I caught him practicing this morning.
He also learned how to climb the stairs this month
We went to Calhouns the other night and they tied a balloon on Patrick's arm. He thought it was so neat!
Patrick laughs at everything, especially Elmo. He absolutely loves Elmo! Also, any kind of funny face or funny noise will make Patrick giggle like crazy. I am almost always the last mom to pick up Patrick from Margaret’s house (since most the other moms are teachers) and I always walk into Margaret’s house and hear Patrick giggling at her. I also had another one of the mom's call and say that every time she walks in to pick up her son, she sees Patrick giggling at something!I’m so blessed to have such a happy baby!
Patrick got a new tooth about 3 weeks ago, so we are now up to 7 teeth! He has 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom. He also really likes to use those teeth! He is still chewing on everything.There is always something in his mouth. He has also started a really bad habit of biting! He bites my shoulder constantly while I am holding him, and with 7 teeth it really hurts! I think he means to only bite my t-shirt, but half the time accidentally bites me too. I have tiny little bruises all over my shoulder. He’s a little too young to discipline and thinks the word “no” is funny! I was really worried that he bites at “school” but he hasn’t yet, so hopefully its just Michael and I that he is biting.
He sees Turk and Bailey looking out over the yard, and frequently crawls over to look himself
He also uses his hands for excitement and frustration. When he gets excited he puts his hands together and clasps them really hard, like he can’t contain his excitement! When he gets frustrated because he can’t do something he puts his arms out and makes a really funny face. I have trouble not laughing at him!
He has been really needy with Michael and I lately! He wants to be held or for me to sit on the ground within a couple feet of him while he plays after “school.” Michael has been working like crazy, so it’s just been me and Patrick after work for the last month or so, which means that most of the time I have to put him down so I can get his dinner and my dinner ready. It makes me sad when he whines and pulls on my pant leg because he wants my full attention. Lately, Patrick has been crying when Michael leaves in the morning :(
Holding his favorite toy, the remote controller. Not sure why he likes it so much!
Is it April yet? I know Michael is working hard for our family, but it’s really tough working all day and then coming home and getting everything done around the house too. I am really thankful that I am only working 4 days a week (at least most of the time!). I honestly don’t know how I would survive if I was working 5 days a week! And luckily, Patrick is happy 99% of the time, so I haven’t had a really fussy baby on my hands after a long day of work :)
We are still working on his eating. He loves baby food, but I can’t really get him to eat table foods. He is still working on his pincher fingers and misses his mouth half the time. He seems a little frustrated by that, so that could be most of it! When he does get it in his mouth, he makes a face and pulls the food right out. Maybe this month we will see a lot more progress with the table food!
Patrick's hair has also started to get a little curl to it! Up until now his hair has been exactly like Michael's, but it is starting to curl a little in the back and its so cute! His hair still has a reddish tint to it, but it is mostly blonde.
Patrick is on a pretty good schedule now and doing really well in addition to sleeping so much better! Before now we haven’t really been able to get him on a good schedule. But now he is being pretty consistent! I feel like each month he is making more and more progress. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been a long and slow process with the sleeping situation, but progress is progress!Since I am using this blog as a record keeping book for Patrick, here is his schedule:
6:30-7:00- Wake up/Feeding
7:00-8:00- Breakfast/get ready for school/ go to Margaret’s
8-9:30- Play
9:30- Bottle
10:00-11:00- Morning nap
11:30- 12:00- Bottle/Lunch
12:00-2:00- Play
2:30- Bottle
2:30-4:00- Afternoon Nap
4:15-4:45- Bottle/Afternoon Snack
4:45-5:15- Play with Margaret
5:15-6:30 Picked up from Margarets/play
6:30-7:30- Dinner/Bathtime
7:30-8:00- Play until Bedtime
8:00- Feeding/Sleep
3:30- Night Feeding (about half the nights a week- the other nights he is sleeping through the night!)

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