The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Patrick- 19 and 20 Months

Patrick is 20 month old.  I decided not to do a separate 19 and 20 month post since he has been so sick and there hasn't been much new to report!  

He is saying a few new words, but his big new word is "no."  It is the cutest thing I have ever heard.  He is so bashful when he says the word no and Michael and I have to stop from laughing at him. I'm sure we will hear more of that word soon and not in the sweet little innocent way he says it now!  He is also saying Mimi (a girl at school), nanny (for nanna), allie (for my mom), bye, nack (for snack), mmmmm (for milk), car, bubbles, and is now consistently saying momma!  If I go into another room the sweet little boy comes running after me saying "momma, momma, momma."  It is pretty cute.  He is also starting to put two words together, like nack momma (snack momma), or peeeeease momma (please momma).

He still sleeps with his trucks and choo choo's.   He also wakes up talking about trains and trucks.   He is totally obsessed!  He is also a big perfectionist with his trains and trucks.  He lines them up perfectly and gets really upset if they aren't perfectly in order and in a straight line.

We played in the bath for 45 minutes and this is the face I got when I finally turned off the water (our water bill might be ridiculous!).  I have been getting a lot of these faces recently since he hasn't been feeling great!  Baths seem to always make him feel better, so we have been taking a ton of baths!

But three minutes later after seeing that sad face, I got this devilish little look while Patrick tried to turn the water back on and judge mom's face.

I havent mentioned this in any of the previous blog posts, but he loves to feed the dogs.  As soon as we get home he runs to pick up their bowls.  Once I put food in them he carefully takes one of the bowls to put it down, getting really upset if he spills a piece!  Then yells "B" and "Turk" and insists that they come eat their food immediately.  He also loves to give the dogs bones before we leave for school in the morning.  The dogs don't like it very much, since he doesn't quite understand that he should hand it to them instead of hurl it at them.

He thinks Bailey is really funny

He also loves loves loves his hair.  I was pretty upset when we took him to get a haircut and the lady cut it so short!  I kept saying "not too short" just a little, but she just kept going!  I mean what little boy needs a 30 minute haircut?!?!  They don't even have that much hair!  Even my dad commented that he had a military haircut (i.e. almost buzzed on the sides and back). I hate it since it makes him look much older than he is and I am really missing seeing those precious curls!  He is always playing with his hair and since he has been a little baby he has twirled his hair as he goes to sleep.  He was pretty irritated that it is was cut so short too!  It is already starting to grow back and it might be a long time before he gets another haircut!  I think Michael thought I was nuts for being so upset over a haircut, but I am 5 months pregnant, so maybe the hormones made me even more upset?!  I'm claiming that anyway!

He also will not sit in his highchair without the iPod being on.  In order for him to eat, he insists that the there be some light music in the background.   He just started pointed to the ipod dock and saying mumu (music) over and over.  Not sure where he got that from!

We have also been to the doctor every week (at least once) for the past six weeks.  My sweet little boy has had 2 ear infections in a row, a virus and then another ear infection.  Praying that he can stay healthy this month!

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