The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Peyton- 34 Week Update

We had an ultrasound to monitor Peyton's development last week.  He looked wonderful and is growing perfectly, which is a huge relief!  His heart rate was 155 and his weight was 5 pounds, 1 ounce (50%). The doctor did notice that my fluid level is pretty low, so she decided to do another ultrasound in 2 weeks. If the fluid is still low, she plans to schedule an induction at my next appointment.  We scheduled the 36 week appointment for March 14th. I tried to push the appointment back, but they didn't think my comment that my son's birthday party being scheduled for that weekend was a good excuse :)

The doctor also mentioned that my blood pressure really spiked at my 36 week appointment, so she plans to keep an eye on that as well. My blood pressure was perfect at this appointment and I have not had any problems with blood pressure with this pregnancy, so hopefully it continues that way.

In the meantime, I will be giving Peyton some pep talks to convince him that he needs to stay put until March 17th, which is after Michael's busiest two weeks of the year and Patrick's birthday party :) Patrick cooperated perfectly with all of our plans, so I have faith that Peyton will cooperate so Michael can be at the delivery and we can celebrate big brother Patrick turning 2!

Here is a picture from the ultrasound. It's not the best picture since he is a little squished in there, but still great to see him!

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