The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Monday, March 25, 2013

Peyton- 37 Week Update

I had my 37 week appointment on Thursday and it did not go as well as I was hoping.  I was feeling great last week, so I was really surprised!  I felt like Peyton was moving a lot and I was STARVING all the time which I thought was a good sign.  I don't think I have ever been so hungry!  I have been eating everything in sight. In fact, Friday night was the first night since I have been pregnant (with Patrick or Peyton) that I insisted Michael go out and get me a pregnancy craving...fudge pie and ice cream at 10pm.  For some reason I really really had to have it!

Back the the actual appointment.... I told Michael he could come to the appointment if he wanted to and had time, but that I thought it wouldn't be that eventful.  Boy was I wrong!  I had my ultrasound first and could immediately tell by the ultrasound tech's face that she was concerned. She was frantically moving the ultrasound wand around and said that she was not getting a different weight for the baby from last week. She barely spoke the rest of the ultrasound even though I asked a few questions. She told me that she was getting a fluid level of 4, but that the doctor and master radiologist needed to look at it to determine the actual level. My doctor had told me at the last appointment that 5 and below was dangerous for the baby and she would induce immediately. Clearly, I was nervous after the ultrasound.

My doctor (Dr. Lipsitz) was out of town on spring break, but I was seeing the doctor who delivered Patrick (Dr. Brown). For a little background, I had such a great experience with Dr. Brown with Patrick that I considered switching doctors. In the end, I didn't switch mostly because I liked them both and felt weird switching to another doctor in the same practice.

I waited an hour to see Dr. Brown because of the ultrasound results. When he came in he explained that my fluid level was a 5 and what that meant and that it was dangerously low (there is a term for it). He warned me not to google it because it would just scare me. He continued to say that my regular doctor and him were of two very different schools of thought and that if she was here I would be induced immediately (I already knew this from my last appointment). However, he strongly advised that we not induce. He said that after studying the ultrasound, he really did not think it was effecting Peyton. Although he didn't gain weight (I actually lost weight surprisingly) they did see growth in other areas. Dr. Brown does not induce unless there is a dire need before 37 weeks (I am 37 weeks today, but the appointment was Thursday last week) and he did not think this was urgent. He did express some concern about my stomach measurement. I am measuring at 32 weeks, but it is not a big enough concern to induce. There are big risks to both waiting and inducing, all of which he explained to me.

In the end I went with Dr. Brown's opinion and did not induce Thursday of last week. It was tough having two doctors, who I know well, have two differing opinions.  Especially since I was by myself at the appointment! Peyton is still small and I want him to gain as much weight as possible and have his lungs develop. Plus, I would prefer that Peyton come when he is ready :)

Dr. Brown ordered a non-stress test, which I did today. The test was to verify that Peyton is not in distress and to determine how much the low fluid is effecting him. Peyton looked absolutely wonderful in the test and the low fluid did not seem to be effecting him at all! My doctor seemed pretty shocked when she saw the results and said that she was surprised at how well he was doing. She also said that she really wanted me to try and make it to 38 weeks if I could, but that she would not let me go full term. She said we would re-evaluate after another ultrasound on Thursday.

I went home feeling great and excited Peyton was doing so well.  However, the doctor called back 30 minutes later and said she was re-reviewing everything and really wanted to schedule an induction because she was just not comfortable with letting me go much longer.  She said she would like to schedule the induction no later than April 2nd (which happens to be Patrick's birthday). She also said April 1st would be fine.  I was a little caught of guard and went with April 1st. So looks like Peyton will most likely be an April fools baby!  I'm a little upset that I will most be in the hospital on Patrick's birthday, but at least they will have their own special day.  However, we are re-evaluating on Thursday and if my fluid levels are any lower, it will be this Thursday instead.

I am praying that Peyton will decide to make his appearance on his own earlier than Monday, but we will see. I had such a quick and easy delivery with Patrick when he came on his own, that it would be nice to have Peyton decide he is ready on his own! I guess the most important thing is for a healthy baby. I have to remind myself that I can't be picky about dates and that healthy is the number one concern!

Can't believe we will be a family of four so soon!

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