The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Friday, May 13, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

Mother's day weekend started off with a class party at Patrick's school. They had been preparing for Mother's Day for weeks. Every day for about a month he would come home and tell me that he made something special for Mother's Day and how excited he was about it. They had so many pictures, paintings, and sculptures surrounding the room that the kids had made for the moms. It was very cute how excited he was about everything!

This was one of Patrick's favorite projects. They flung paint at construction paper outside one day and it was a huge hit for the kids!

He also painted a portrait of me, too cute :)

Notice my age...ahhhhh! Yikes!

Another one of his favorite paintings

For the rest of the mother's day brunch they painted all of the mom's toenails! It was hysterical and I had paint covering my entire foot. It was clear that none of the boys knew anything about painting toenails :)

That afternoon Peyton took a nap, so I got some special one on one time with this precious little boy. 

He "helped" me fold laundry. But really thought playing peek-a-boo was the most fun!

On Mother's Day we woke up early and went to 7:30am church. While pulling into church we hit a curb and the tire blew.  It was definitely a rough start to Mother's Day!

My big boy!

We had brunch and Nana and Grumps and then had a photo shoot since everyone was dressed up.

Nana and her grandbabies

Gigi and her great grandbabies

The whole crew minus Grumps who was taking the photo

Ring pops for all....they were a sticky mess!

The moms and boys

And me and my precious boys. I didn't really mean for everyone to be in blue!

My babies!

Then we headed to visit with Allie for a little while! Fun Mother's Day with my sweet little family!

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