The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Peyton- 23 Months

The last monthly post on my sweet little Peyton! Can't believe he is 1 month away from being 2 years old!

Peyton still isn't talking that much. He says sentences and words, but it is very hard to understand him. Half the time I have no idea what he is saying and I am pretty sure other people can't understand a single word. He has gained a lot of new words, but we are still working on pronunciation. Patrick does most of the talking in our house, so Peyton really hasn't had the chance to practice much. I have no doubts he will be a little chatter box soon though!

He is such a sweet boy and is such a big helper. He loves to help put away toys and help feed the dogs. He LOVES to take a bath and begs to take a bath every night. He also really loves to take a shower.

I think Peyton loves baths so much because he gets to share toys with Patrick and splash around with his big brother.

He copies everything that big brother Patrick does. I took this picture of them watching a movie together. Just precious!

Peyton also gained a new little brother this month. He has been so sweet with him. I really expected him to be jealous since this is a tough age to gain a new sibling, but he loves him so much and hasn't been jealous at all!

Loving on his new brother with daddy

A few Valentine's day pictures with his new baby brother

Sums up my goofy little Peyton just perfectly. Such a happy little guy!

Playing games with big brother

He is still a pretty good eater. He LOVES juice boxes and begs for candy. He can chug a juice box like nothing I have ever seen. I really craved apple juice when I was pregnant with him and now I see why! He is also doing really well in his big boy bed. Bed time is really easy with him which is wonderful. We read Goodnight Gorilla about 4 times, sing a few songs and then he goes right to bed. Hopefully it continues to stay that way!

He is doing really well at school and his teachers always brag on how happy he is and how much he helps pick up the toys every day. 

 Love you so much Peyton! Cannot believe you are going to be a big 2 year old in just a few short weeks!

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